
Interpreting Personality From The Eyes, Video Series

Original price was: $299.00.Current price is: $149.00.

Introduction: Welcome to the fascinating world of eyes! For those asking questions, trying to solve the mystery of how crazy life is today, the answers are in your eyes! Join us, as we share our life changing model of how your family history and iris patterns tell the story of your life.

Lesson 1: Two Primary Personality Types – learn to identify the structural patterns of the masculine and feminine iris types. We will cover their qualities and associated behaviors along with their fears, lessons and how to heal themselves. This lesson will give you enough information to immediately begin reading your friends and family members eyes…think your partner will let you look?

Lesson 2: Two Personality Modifiers, Four Social Behavioral Types – the addition of neurogenic fibers and combination types add spice and flavor to our two existing primary types. Learn how they modify the two primary types, their gifts, qualities and what they are here to teach each other. With the two primary types and two modifiers, we have four combinations that identify the four social personality types and their behaviors.

Lesson 3: Eyes and Intimacy – everyone know opposites attract and the more opposite the patterns, the greater the orgasms including the fallout on the other side. Understanding yourself and the type of person who makes your hormones dance, empowers you to make better decisions about how manage yourself and the energy.

Lesson 4: Iris Positions I – there are 28 Iris positions. In each of the next three lessons we will cover approximately one third of the positions. There are 28 Iris positions. In lessons 4,5,6 we will cover approximately one third of the positions. Iris positions reveal the gifts and lessons pertaining to specific aspects of our life from anger to nurturing. Iris positions are a way to gain immediate rapport with a new client by sharing with them specific aspects of their personality in relationship to their father, men and money and women, creativity and feelings.

Lesson 5: Iris Positions II-a continuation from Lesson 5.

Lesson 6: Iris Positions III – a continuation from Lesson 6.

Lesson 7: Iris Rings –  iris rings identify specific personality attributes to deepen our model. They are easy to identify understand and are great rapport builders.

Lesson 8: Introversion/Extroversion – the collarette is a ring that determines how you process life challenges, slowly and inwardly or intense and in the moment and everything in between. This ring can have a dramatic effect on personality, self-expression and relationships.

Lesson 9: Hemispheric Brain Dominance/Adaptation – hemispheric dominance plays one of the greatest roles modifying the personality with coping strategies that are mostly unconscious. This mechanism can radically effect every aspect of our lives. Switching hemispheres is involuntary and can have dramatic effects on your health and relationships. The hemisphere you are being pulled to is the side of the family calling your attention, we will explore the multitude of meetings from these dynamic energies.

Lesson 10: How to Do An Iris Consultation – time to practice what we have learned. Use this steps when you first look into another eyes. It will get the ball rolling allowing the magic to unfold.

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