Video Series Advanced Iris Interpretation


Lesson 1: Advanced Thinking and Emotional Types plus Body Types – here we will cover at a deeper level how body type affects our two primary personality types of masculine and feminine and their combinations.

Lesson 2: A Deep Look Into Neurogenic Fibers – the most common structural component in the eyes of humanity are neurogenic fibers. In this lesson we will discuss the different fiber weaves and their effects on personality. This video will shed light from fresh perspectives how to break the patterns of enabling, rescuing, enmeshment and co-dependence in relationships.

Lesson 3: Advanced Iris Positions Part I – there is never enough time to discuss all of the information and intricacies of iris positions; this will be our next deeper dive. In this lesson we will explore how iris quadrants give us a bigger picture of our gifts and lessons.

Lesson 4: Advanced Iris Positions Part II – we will cover how combining iris positions gives us more specific definitions as to what we have come to learn and experience.

Lesson 5: Advanced Iris Positions Part III – a continuation from Lesson 4, and deeper look into iris positions and intimate relationships dynamics.

Lesson 6: Physical Conditions Associated With Brain Dominance and Personality  Type – our left brain is constrictive and tends to harden the body while the right brain expansive and can lead to scattered and spacey behavior. We will also cover physical ailments associated with hemispheric dominance.

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